Friday, February 27, 2009

First Frigerator Friday!

It's been a while since my last post, we've been crazy here with the icky sicky stuff. But I thought I'd share an inspiration..... Frig Friday's. (thanks Nicole and Liz for the encouragement) Perhaps this will make me clean the inside of my frig more often, after all I am sharing this with the world. I'd love to hear (read) you comments about my food choices. Our family staples usually revolve around organic milk, baby spinach (my 4 yr. old son and I love this), applesauce, ground turkey is a new find for me. I've used it before, but now Aldi's carries it on a regular basis, so I'm always substituting. Tell me what your frig staples are. Next week we'll check out the condiment door of my frig - I know you can't wait. But really what other bloggers out there show case their frig contents?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Laundry Love?

We all hate the cyclical nature of laundry... wash, dry, fold, put in drawer, wear, return to laundry room, repeat.  Some strange people (no insult intended) out there might actually enjoy the chore of laundry - but I do not. The only thing that does make it a bit tolerable is the nice smells as the clothes come out of the dryer or on the rare occasions when I have time to line dry. Nice. In my quest to be more Green and use cleaners that are better for the environment and the family I have only to look down the street to my neighbor to provide an awesome laundry detergent. It hits all the right buttons for me, green (all good ingredients), local (keeping the cash in the community & no shipping - I pick up), works great, smells great (Mmm lavender and tea tree), and no lugging huge bottles or boxes from the giant grocery stores.
Well I won't keep you in suspense any longer - visit Georganne's The Yellow Ducky on etsy.  Etsy is the place to shop for all sorts of hand made greatness. I have so much fun browsing and shopping there. Georganne's  All natural Laundry Soap rocks! Try it and tell her I sent you! For those locals out there, save yourself some S&H, buy local!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Love this site

I wandered across this site at work and did take some time with it. I was impressed with the ways you can search for books for your Kiddos. Many of our family favorites appeared, I especially loved the non-fiction part or the "just the facts" section. Most sections had a coming soon link and being a big fan of public libraries...... ( yes I do work in one).... I am especially fond of the "Get this Book = Library finder" link. When I tested it, it was right on. Don't forget that if your local library doesn't own the title you're looking for, they can try to order it in from another library. We love to help people get the books they want!
Alright - enough with the commercial for your local public library - but we REALLY can provide so much in this economic downturn (that does sound so lame even when I use the term). Think free programs for the kids, DVD's, music, downloadable books, magazines and newspapers. Okay, now I'm really done.
Enjoy the site, read to your bunnies, find some new great authors & illustrators. I'm working on a post for grown-up book suggestions too.