Saturday, March 7, 2009

Frig Friday but on Saturday

Frig Friday 2
Originally uploaded by libraryl0v3r
I suppose the title of this post just doesn't have the same ring but that's just the way it is.
Can you tell this has been an 'eat out' kind of week. Let's count them together - 7 - yes that's right 7 different take out boxes. Thank goodness they're each not from a different place. The kids have been begging me to go out for pizza, order & pick up just would not do. So we have lots of left overs from that and another meal out when our eyes were bigger than our stomachs.
I would like to draw attention to the round head of lettuce on the left. This is an ongoing debate between my husband and myself. He only purchases ice berg lettuce. He know the other kinds I buy: romaine, escarole, green and red curly are better for you and have more vitamins, etc. But he just likes the ice berg better. He makes a giant taco salad or tacos with it for himself and the kids on my night to work so he is not forced to see my look. The one that says so much without even opening up my mouth. Yep that's what nearly 13 years of marriage will do.
Oh yes I know - I still have to clean up that spill on the bottom. Maybe this week it will become a priority. Probably by Thursday night as I contemplate another Frig shot!

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